Multi interdisciplinary artistic project carried out during the academic year 2003-04 between the centers of artistic education in Las Palmas, conceived and directed by Jose Antonio Garcia, professor of Choir at the Music Conservatory Las Palmas, in which, with unprecedented nature, is offered to students and staff of these centers giving the possibility to share and express their experiences, knowledge and pedagogical and artistic concerns, within a macro visual, musical, dancistic and theatrical, held on 23, 24 and 25 April 2004 under the inner courtyard of the Conservatory.
For the definition and staging of this show, besides the direct participation of more than 600 people, including students and teachers of the Conservatory of Music of Las Palmas, Art School Gran Canaria, Canary Actors School and Insular Dancing Center María Eulate, the musical script set included the composition of several world premieres.